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Experts of the mountain but first of all friends, born and raised in the mountains sorrounding Bergamo: The beautiful and savages Orobie. Nature has always been our biggest passion something that brought us together. We decided to work in the the best "office" ever: nature.

We like to think about what we do as something which is more than a job: a chance for us to live and share unique experiences which could reveal the wisdome kept in the heart of the mountains.


The AMM guide is a professional leader and at the same time a friend, ready to take you by the hand in the unknown world of nature, ready to give you the chance to discover the territory and get to know walking buddies.

A professional guide will not just lead the group along the path, but will also explain everything about the environment you are exploring. Our guides are usually involved in projects with schools and associations whose aim is to add value to our natural richness. The role of the guide includes being actively involved in sustainable projects and to encourange the development of the local communities, protecting the environmental and cultural unicity of every region and promoting sustainable and respectful tourism.


Being a guide means having transversal knowledge of many fields including mountain environment, walking techniques, knowledge of the equipment and the tools needed for every different activity. Our guide are experts in nature (zoology, botany and geology), but also in culture (history, arts and local traditions). All these elements will be part of every trip. Moreover you will always travel with experts in safety (sports medicine, first aid). Your safety and happiness will always be our priority.










My name is Roberto Salomone. I am a Mountain and Hiking Guide certified by Regione Lombardia and Nordic Walking Istructor for the Italian Nordic Walking School.

My love story with mountains started when I was a child, during some years I had the oppotunity to explore the outdoor in every season and condition and my passion for trek and nature kept on growing faster and faster together with the desire to share it with other people.

In 2016 I decided to change my life and start to follow the Alpine Guide study course that step by step became my job and allow me to share my passion.

I founded Orobie4Trekking in 2017 and since then I have taken many groups of people around my beloved Italy.

Today I could not be more in love with what I am doing, I love walking and sharing the path with people I have the chance to meet. I am always looking for undiscovered and breathtaking itineraries and I can't wait to share them with you.


My name is Andrea I was born in 1983 in a village not far from Bergamo. I am a certified Mountain Guide from 2017 and Nordic Walking Istructor.

I have always been in love with nature and outdoor activities and this passion was born when I was a child and every weekend we had a mountain trip with my parents.

When I grew up this relationship with outdoor became stronger and stronger and I started to feel the desire to share this beauty with others.

In 2016 I decided that my passion was gonna be my job and I started a study course that in the end enabled me to work with people and nature.

I am in love with environment and I am ready to share my passion with all the people that will cross my same path.


My name is Michela, I was born in 1993 a village not far from Bergamo.

There is one thing in life that makes me smile: travelling.

I have spent lot of time around the world, trying to get to know the people that I met, their culture, their habits. "LIVING LA VIDA LOCAL!" is my personal motto.


A couple of years ago I found out how incredible is to travel with groups and I became a tour leader. The added value is that you can share your passion with others and get them as happy and enthusiastic as you are when you are together in front of an amazing landscape at sunset, possibly on top of a volcano. Well, yes, I am of course involved in a never-ending lovestory with nature and I think that "walking a place" si absolutely the best way to discover and somehow conquer it: you have been walking on it, that place is in your legs in your eyes, in your heart and it will stay there forever.

I found out how incredible nature is and how rewarding is to get to the top of a mountain and just enjoy the landscape.


One day I thought that this was gonna be the thing I wanted to do in my life: make pople smile in the middle of the nature while they stare speachless in front of a starred sky; try to find out why someone behave in certain way depending on his culture, taste all the typical dishes, explore as much as possible a destination, turn an accident into an opportunity. That is exactly why travelling with us, you will create your best italian memories.


My name is Marco and I was born in Bergamo in 1983. I am an Egineer but my heart belongs both to the mountains and to my camera.

In 2019 I got my licence as Mountain Guide, Nordic Walking Instructor and MTB and E-Bike Guide. Mountains have been part of my life since I was a child. Besides my passion for nature and peaks I also love to take my camera with me during my excursions and try to capture the amazing feelings that only nature could give me, in order to keep memories alive in the future and to share them with others.

While walking I just love to tell people something about the environment, about the history of a place and interesting facts, giving the opportunity to learn something unforgettable about the place where they are.

I became a guide because I had the desire to share with others my passion and the positive vibes that only nature is able to make me feel and now I am sure that seeing someone happy and flawless in the middle of nature is a big privilege and the best satisfaction for me.


My name is Francesco and I was born in Crema on the 10/06/1976.

I am a Mountain Guide and a yoga teacher and I am also a manager in the field of safety and environment.

Since I was I child I have always been in love with nature and everytime I had the chance, I used to escape to my beloved mountains. I have had the chance to experience different ways of living this beautiful environment around us, but there is one thing that has never changed for me: the feeling of joy that only nature can make me feel. Being sorrounded by its colours, smells and sounds feels like a spiritual experience for me and that’s the reason why I started to mix nature and another great passion: yoga. Yoga and mountains are deeply connected and their never ending merge can donate something unique to men.

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My name is Alessandra, I was born in Monza on the 06/01/1976

In my “official life” I am an assitant director, but “unofficially” I am a graphic. I could describe myself as creative and open-minded person.

I am still able to appriciate simple things and I always try to return where my soul was pleased. I have learned to love the mountains. Some years ago mountains saved my life and I will never stop being grateful.

I had the chance to meet the guys from Orobie4Trekking and from that moment a new shared passion was born. Friendship and passion are the reaons why I committed myself with the team: I am a graphic and contenent creator and I am always happy to take part in all the activities and outdoor events.

Doing what you love is freedom, but loving what you do is happiness” is my personal motto.








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di Roberto Salomone

via Chiesa 130/I  27010 Magherno (PV)


P.IVA: 02302510181

+39 3209105295

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