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Our program day by day


Welcome to the Dolomites

Departing from the airport, our van will take us to the tiny village of San Martino di Castrozza.

We cannot definitely miss a visit to a dairy farm - Caseificio, where we will taste some Trentino typical cheese like Fontal, Toséla di Primiero and Trentingrana while the craftsmen will tell us all the secrets of the production. 

Our souls (and bellies) are now ready to face a demanding but denititely spectacular trek


Are we on the moon?

After a boosting breakfast at the Rifugio we are ready to head to Rifugio Pedrotti alla Rosetta (2581m), we will walk on moony landscapes and we will have to remember to pay attention to our feet because because we would not be able take our eyes off the majestic landscape around us. After having reached the Rifugio, the braver among us will have the chance to climb up Cima della Rosetta (2743).

We will have dinner together in the rifugio and remember that a glass of Grappa al Mugo is always a good idea to keep warm


Mountain adrenaline

This is going to be our last day on the Dolomites, but the mountains still hide a special adventure for us. Today we will walk along an assisted trail to the Ball Pass where the most adrenalinic and breath-taking views on the valley are waiting for us.

This path will lead us back to San Martino di Castrozza. Amazed and recharged in nature we will go back to the airport. Waiting for the next adventure together 

About This Trip


All the way to the Rifugio!

From San Martino di Castrozza we will take the van untill the trek starting point: The Valles Pass

From there we will follow the path and walk all the way up to Rifugio Mulaz (2.571m), our first stop where we can rest and have local food. The bravest ones will have the chance to climb up on Mount Mulaz (2.906m).

We will have dinner at the Rifugio all together and spend the rest of the night watching an unforgettable starred sky


On the Glacier

Breakfast, boots on and all the way up to Rifugio Pradidali, while getting to our last stop we will walk up to the top of Fradusta Mount (2939) where we will find a lively Dolomites Glacier.

We will stop many times to spot colorful flowers and endemic animals. 

A fresh beer to cheer after this incredible adventure is absolutely needed as soon as we reach the Rifugio. Satisfied and amazed we will spend our last night out of city lights enjoying the starred sky and our last typical dinner together

Trip Highlights!


Imagine a five days escape from reality? An adventure surrounded by nature, vertical walls, rocky towers and enormous valleys. From the sunrise, when we will stare at the sun giving life to the landscape in front of us, to the sunset, when the sun rays will bump into the rocky walls giving them their typical reddish tone, 24 hours surrounded by the quiet sound of nature. Just forget about urban life and get ready to be amazed


Their geological history starts 300 million years ago: in a calm and shallow sea, huge coral colonies developed to create enormous reefs over a thousand metres high.

After surfacing out of the water, these coral reefs were weathered by the elements and shaped into the pointed and sharp structures that mark the landscape today


All the dinners and breakfasts are included and will be prepared by the owner of the Rifugio following typical receips of this region.


"Say Cheese"

Well, no, no pictures! We will visit one of the most popular dairy farm of the region and have the change to taste some typical cheese. We will also be revealed all the secrets by the farm craftsmen


First departure 15/07/2021



Project of the itinerary

English speaking and certified guide

Visit to the dairy farm 

Overnight stays in Rifugi

Breakfasts from day 3 to day 5, dinners from day 2 to day 4 

Transferts from/to airport





Food for lunch or other meals except from dinner

Everything not mantioned in the "included" section



Daily walking hours: 5/6 hours including lunch and stops

Daily elevation gap: 1.000/1.200m

Trek lenght: 60km

Luch will be take away from the Rifugio

We will be carrying our own backpack all day long, not heavier than 6kg

At least 2 liters of water per day

Rifugi are typical of our mountains and usually have common rooms and shared bathroom


Trekking Shoes, slippers

Backpack 30lt

Waterproof jacket

Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses

T-shirts, sweatshirt, long trousers shorts, swimsuit

Food: energetic bars or similar

Light sleeping bed and towel


"Tera nera la fa bon gran, tera ciara la lo fa van"

No Idea of what this means? Come with us and you will find it out

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